Art Scoping
Art Scoping features protagonists in the fields of art, architecture, design, publishing, art law, public policy, and culture generally. We ask how arts leaders cope with change, what keeps them up at night, and what gets them out of bed.
Art Scoping
Episode 71: Stephanie Stebich
The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) is the flagship museum for our nation’s art, and Stephanie Stebich, its Margaret and Terry Stent Director, has led it since 2017. We touch on the two new museums recently authorized by Congress that will join the Smithsonian’s other 19 museums, why SAAM successfully attracts a large number of repeat visitors, the importance of creating a sense of connection and community for museum visitors, balancing local audiences with those from far away, how governance works with the unique membership of the Smithsonian's Board of Regents, SAAM's deep collection of work by African American artists and a preview of two upcoming exhibitions drawn from this collection, changes to how museums do business as a result of the pandemic, how she has prepared for a new directorship, her views on deaccessioning, and much more.