Art Scoping
Art Scoping features protagonists in the fields of art, architecture, design, publishing, art law, public policy, and culture generally. We ask how arts leaders cope with change, what keeps them up at night, and what gets them out of bed.
Art Scoping
Episode 66: Randall Suffolk
Museums across the U.S. are striving to reboot---addressing historic underrepresentation of people of color in board and staff leadership, collections, exhibitions and programs, and audience. Few have achieved what Atlanta’s High Museum has under director Randall Suffolk. In this episode we delve into the steps he took beginning in 2015 to take an already significant institution and turn its attention to what are today eagerly sought points of distinction. We cover his efforts to listen to prospective visitors, lower admissions fees, change the exhibition calendar and collection focus, and de-emphasize blockbusters--and how he brought his board and staff along to embrace changes in a bid to earn credibility. A recent study attests to the progress made over the last few years.